5 things to know about COP26 [fr]

A crucial meeting for the climate, the COP26 will be held from October 31 to November 12 in Glasgow.


What is a COP?

COP is the acronym for Conference of the Parties. It is the conference of the signatories of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). Each year the signatories meet at this summit to address the fight against climate change. To date, there are 197 signatories - 196 states and the European Union.

Organized in partnership with Italy, the COP26 will be held this year in Glasgow, United Kingdom, from October 31 to November 12, 2021 (it had to be postponed for one year because of the pandemic).

A hundred heads of state are expected to attend, as well as thousands of diplomats from nearly 200 countries to lead the negotiations. Activists, representatives of the business world, scientists and civil society will also be present. In total, the event will have over 10,000 participants.

The importance of the Paris Agreement

In 2015, during the COP21, the adoption of the Paris Agreement had been a historic moment in the fight against climate change.

The Paris Agreement sets the goal of keeping global warming below the 2°C or even 1.5°C limit.

As part of this agreement, countries also committed to submit their nationally determined contributions (NDCs), i.e. national plans that define their efforts to reduce greenhouse gases (GHGs). Every 5 years, countries must raise their ambition and submit an updated plan.

To date, 192 countries have ratified the Paris Agreement.

To learn more: 5 things to know about the Paris Agreement

The stakes of COP26

The COP26 will be a crucial moment.

Indeed, the conclusions of the latest IPCC report published last August indicate that at the current rate of global warming, it will not be possible to keep it below 2°C or even 1.5°C.

To reverse this trend, scientists stress the need to halve global greenhouse gas emissions over the next ten years. As important as the Paris Agreement is, countries need to go much further than they did at that historic summit in order to maintain hope of limiting temperature rise to 1.5°C.

States that have not yet committed must announce their new climate ambition, via the update of their NDCs and the publication of long-term strategies to 2050.

The objectives of COP26

In this context, the four main objectives of COP26 are to :

• Raise the level of climate ambition to ensure net zero emissions globally by mid-century and keep 1.5 degrees within reach. To achieve these ambitious goals, signatories will need to accelerate the phase-out of coal, reduce deforestation, accelerate the shift to electric vehicles and encourage investment in renewable energy, among other things.

• Strengthen adaptation measures to protect communities, especially the most vulnerable, and natural habitats threatened by climate change.

• Mobilize funds to meet the targets. Developed countries must keep their promise to mobilize $100 billion a year for climate.

• Work together to meet the challenges of the climate crisis. It is only through international cooperation that we will succeed.

France’s priorities for COP26

As a major player in the fight against climate change and guarantor of the spirit of the Paris Agreement, France, together with the European Union, will take strong action on several priorities in Glasgow, including:

• a fair and socially equitable transition ;
• financial commitments for the most vulnerable countries
• support for technological, scientific and economic innovation
• accelerating adaptation to the impacts of climate change;
• a carbon neutral path, as France and the EU are already on this path by 2050.

Dernière modification : 15/02/2023

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