Central Africa: we must pay attention to the fragilities of the region [fr]




== Translation from French ==

New York, December 9, 2020

Mr. President,

I thank Special Representative, Mr. François Louncény Fall, for his remarks. Your action, Mr. Special Representative, fully demonstrates the added value of a regional approach to understanding the dynamics of Central Africa and to strengthen the preventive approach of the United Nations in the region.

I would like to briefly address three points:

First of all, on progress in terms of regional cooperation.

I welcome the implementation of the institutional reform of the Economic Community of Central African States, which came into force last August. The establishment of the new Commission reflects the deepened cooperation within the region. It complements the numerous recent cooperation initiatives in Central Africa in the area of security or cross-border cooperation. This dynamic must be sustained in favour of peace and development.

Secondly, the fragilities of the region to which we must pay attention.

Several political, security, humanitarian and human rights challenges remain. I think in particular of the persistence of terrorist actions carried out by Boko Haram in Cameroon and Chad, which continue to claim many military and civilian victims. Despite some improvements, we must also remain vigilant against the activities of armed groups in the DRC and CAR, and maintain our commitment against piracy in the Gulf of Guinea.

On the humanitarian aspects, needs remain high and food insecurity is worsening. It is essential that international humanitarian law and human rights are fully respected. The indispensable fight against the COVID-19 pandemic does not justify their violation. We condemn attacks against humanitarian and medical staff. These acts must not go unpunished. The support of international partners is key to help the countries of Central Africa overcome the humanitarian and health crisis. France has pledged 1.2 billion euros to support Africa in the fight against COVID-19. It has launched an initiative within the framework of the G20 and the Paris Club for a moratorium on debt servicing for countries affected by the pandemic. In Central Africa, Chad, the Republic of Congo, Angola, the DRC and Cameroon are benefiting from this measure.

Third, and finally, the importance of inclusive electoral processes.

With elections approaching in several countries in the region, first in the Central African Republic where elections will be held before the end of the month, but also in Chad and the Republic of Congo, it is essential that these elections take place in the best possible conditions and in a context that allows all stakeholders to take part. The full participation of women as voters and candidates is indispensable, as is that of youth, displaced persons and refugees.

Mr. President,

United Nations regional offices such as UNOCA are essential to strengthen the effectiveness of the United Nations action, particularly in conflict prevention. This is why France will continue to support them in a spirit of strengthened partnership with African regional and subregional organisations.

Thank you.

Dernière modification : 11/01/2021

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