Haiti : France will ensure that BINUH has the necessary capacities to fulfill its mission [fr]




New York, July 3, 2024

I thank the Special Representative of the Secretary-General, Ms Maria Isabel Salvador, for her briefing, and welcome the presence of the Prime Minister of Haiti among us.

France welcomes the arrival to Port-au-Prince of the first contingent of Kenyan police officers. This is the first step in the deployment of the Multinational Security Support Mission in Haiti. France is grateful to Kenya for this contribution, as well as to all the other countries that have been mobilized. France has contributed to the United Nations’ Trust Fund by providing 3 million euros. We have also paid 850,000 euros to the Organisation Internationale de la Francophonie for language training for the contingents that will be deployed. We are also working towards a greater European commitment.

This mission is essential to provide assistance to the Haitian national police, which has been under immense strain over the past few months. It’s role is essential to restore security in Haiti and create the security conditions conducive to the holding of elections. To confront the multidimensional crisis affecting Haiti, we need to address the causes of instability, particularly in terms of governance. It is more than urgent to restore the country’s democratic institutions. Without which, there can be no stability in Haiti. Consequently it is essential for the new Prime Minister and his government, whose appointment we salute, to develop a roadmap for the organization of elections, in accordance with the Kingston Agreement.

The United Nations play a crucial role to provide assistance to the Haitian government in this process. It is essential for BINUH to continue its support for the police and justice system, to enable the Haitian authorities to provide a comprehensive response to the challenge represented by gangs. In this respect, France will continue to support the work of BINUH and the Special Representative. France will ensure that BINUH has the necessary capacities to fulfill its mission.

The Council must continue to accompany Haiti on the path to stability. It must do so by renewing BINUH’s mandate this month. It can also do so by adding to the list of sanctions individuals who support and finance gangs. This will curb the actions of those who destabilize the country and participate in various illicit trafficking. We must continue to act collectively to guarantee security and the rule of law in the country.

The Haitian population continues to suffer from the crisis affecting the country. Human rights violations and impunity must be combated. This is particularly true for sexual violence, which is on the increase. The Council must exercise its responsibilities, including the use of sanctions. Children have not been spared either. Haiti has been added to the list of situations of concern in the Secretary-General’s annual report on children and armed conflict. Violations against their rights must be denounced and combated.

Lastly, humanitarian access to all populations in need must also be guaranteed. France is providing over 13 million euros in humanitarian aid this year, in particular to combat food insecurity and malnutrition. We will continue to support the United Nations and non-governmental organizations working on the ground.

Thank you very much.

Dernière modification : 08/07/2024

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