Haïti: The situation has continued to deteriorate [fr]



(translation from French)

New York, 24 January 2022

Mr. President,

Like my colleagues, I wish to express my deepest condolences to Gabon, the people of Gabon and the entire Permanent Mission here in New York, on the passing of their Foreign Minister, Mr. Michael Moussa Adamo.

I would like to thank Ms. La Lime for her briefing and welcome the presence among us of the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Dominican Republic as well as the representatives of Haiti and Canada.

Mr. President,

We met just one month ago to make an alarming observation. It is clear that the situation has continued to deteriorate. It is with a sense of great urgency that France calls on the international community to redouble its efforts.

Allow me to come back to a few priorities:

Firstly, we welcomed with interest the signing on December 21 of a "National Consensus" document. We encourage the Haitian stakeholders to pursue an inclusive dialogue, which should lead to the organization of democratic elections when the security conditions are met. In this regard, we hope for the rapid appointment of a Provisional Electoral Committee and the setting of a timetable. I recall, as the Special Representative pointed out, that there are no longer any elected officials in the entire country since the term of the last 10 senators expired on January 9. The political class must show responsibility in order to overcome the current impasse.

Secondly, the security situation remains extremely difficult. The objective must be to support more effectively the Haitian National Police who are on the front line. As we all know, it needs equipment, funding and training. To restore security, the Haitian authorities have launched an appeal to the international community. We stand ready, with our partners, to do more to redress the situation on the ground.

Thirdly, France welcomes the establishment of the 2653 Committee and its panel of experts. We hope that this Committee will quickly get to work to make proposals. Sanctions are a dissuasive signal for criminals and their political and financial backers. But sanctions alone will not solve everything. It is imperative to rebuild justice in Haiti. The fight against impunity and the strengthening of the entire penal chain must be a priority if we wish to put an end to the violence.

Finally, France will remain committed to facilitating humanitarian aid, particularly in the areas of health and food, because we cannot accept the current situation.

Mr. President,

France will continue to support the efforts of the United Nations and all organizations working for Haiti, including the International Organization of La Francophonie. We will continue, as much as necessary, to stand by the Haitian people.

Thank you.

Dernière modification : 30/11/2023

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