We strongly call upon Israel to stop the escalation underway in Lebanon [fr]




New York, September 27, 2024

Madam President,

I would like to thank the Secretary General for his briefing.

As President Emmanuel Macron said before the General Assembly on Wednesday, there must be no war in Lebanon. We strongly call upon Israel to stop the escalation underway in Lebanon, and upon Hezbollah to cease strikes against Israel.

Since the beginning of the week, Israeli strikes have already caused several hundred civilian deaths, including dozens of children. International humanitarian law must be upheld. Civilians, be they Lebanese or Israeli, must not be targeted under any circumstances.

Today’s massive strikes in the southern suburbs of Beirut have once again caused destruction and many casualties. They must stop immediately.

France is determined to achieve a cessation of hostilities along the Blue Line, in accordance with Resolution 1701, and to ensure the safety of civilian populations, both in Israel and in Lebanon.

In Gaza, the war that has been raging for almost a year must end without further delay. This Council demanded this in Resolution 2735, and it must help to put an end to the tragedy unfolding there.

There must be an immediate and permanent ceasefire. All hostages must be released without delay. Obstacles to humanitarian aid must be lifted. The stability of the region is at stake.

France condemns all attacks targeting schools, shelters for displaced persons, humanitarian and United Nations personnel. International humanitarian law is binding upon all, including Israel. There can be no double standards.

We also pay tribute to the efforts of the WHO, UNICEF and UNRWA in carrying out a successful vaccination campaign against polio.

As we approach 7 October, France recalls its firm condemnation of the terrorist attacks committed by Hamas and other terrorist groups. France’s commitment to Israel’s security is well known and unwavering.

The humanitarian emergency in Gaza should not prompt us to lose sight of the West Bank, where the situation continues to deteriorate.

The acceleration of settlement activities, which is illegal and which France condemns, undermines the prospect of establishing a future viable and contiguous Palestinian state. The settlers’ policy of terror must cease without delay. France condemns the violations of the historic status quo of the Holy Sites in East Jerusalem, as well as the provocations and unilateral measures that risk leading to a conflagration of the situation in East Jerusalem and the West Bank.

Amid the tragedy in the Middle East, inaction, particularly by this Council, is not an option. France supports the mediation efforts led by the United States, Egypt and Qatar. Everything must be done to bring these negotiations to a successful conclusion as quickly as possible.

Together with its partners, France is continuing its efforts to relaunch peace efforts aimed at implementing the two-state solution. We will remain proactive, including in the Security Council, which will have an important role to play when the time comes.

In the immediate term, we must continue to help the Palestinians to establish a future viable, sovereign and contiguous Palestinian state. Measures aimed at weakening the Palestinian Authority must cease. France calls on Israel to stop obstructing the transfer of revenues to the Palestinian Authority. We support a reformed Palestinian Authority capable of exercising its responsibilities throughout the Palestinian Territories, including the Gaza Strip.

Thank you.

Dernière modification : 27/09/2024

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