Renewal of MINURSO mandate [fr]

Explanation of vote by Mr. Nicolas de Rivière, Permanent Representative of France to the United Nations
Security Council - 30 October 2019

MINURSO plays an essential role in ensuring respect for the ceasefire agreement and preventing flare-ups through exchanges with the parties

France welcomes the Council’s adoption of resolution 2494 (2019).

At the outset, I would like to reiterate France’s full support for the work of Special Representative Colin Stewart and his entire team. I commend their efforts to strengthen the effectiveness of the United Nations Mission for the Referendum in Western Sahara (MINURSO), as well as the protection of its personnel, and to increase the number of women in its ranks in keeping with the women and peace and security agenda. MINURSO plays an essential role in ensuring respect for the ceasefire agreement and preventing flare-ups through exchanges with the parties. It is therefore a key component of stability in the region and contributes to establishing the conditions necessary for a resumption of the political process. We particularly welcome the return to a one-year mandate, which should continue to be the norm with regard to peacekeeping, since this kind of timetable enables continuity and greater predictability in the Mission’s management.

Lastly, we welcome the relative calm in the situation on the ground and want to emphasize the importance of ensuring that all the parties abide fully by the ceasefire agreement, particularly in the Guerguerat buffer strip, where the situation remains volatile, and that they maintain a continuing dialogue with the Special Representative.

Secondly, I want to pay tribute to the work carried out by President Köhler. His personal commitment and tireless efforts breathed new life into the political process with the holding of two round tables bringing together Morocco, the Frente Popular para la Liberación de Saguía el-Hamra y Río de Oro, Algeria and Mauritania for the first time since 2012. The appointment of a new Personal Envoy will be important to maintaining that positive momentum, as expressed in the direction of today’s resolution, which encourages the resumption of the political process by building on the progress already made.

We reiterate France’s full support for the Secretary-General’s efforts to achieve a fair, lasting and mutually acceptable solution in Western Sahara in accordance the resolutions of the Security Council. In that context, France believes that the Morocco’s 2007 autonomy plan represents a serious and credible foundation for discussions reviving a dialogue.

Dernière modification : 24/02/2020

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